The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is evaluating the potential opportunities and barriers for managing bats along Right-of-Ways (ROWs), specifically along transmission, distribution, and pipeline ROWs. Bats are declining for various reasons across North America, but there is growing interest in how bats use ROWs, indicating potential conservation benefits for bats. EPRI is anecdotally aware of actions to support bats along ROWs, and we want to begin documenting and categorizing the types of activities supporting bats on ROWs.
The following is a short survey to document and inventory those actions in North America. The results of this survey will be summarized and shared publicly. No individual responses will be shared. Please take a few minutes to answer the 8 questions below. If you are aware of others involved in ROW planning, management, and bats, we would appreciate you forwarding this survey to them or those groups.
Please contact Christian Newman (EPRI Protected and Endangered Species Program Manager: if you have any questions or interest in the survey.