Byron A. Barry School 

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* 1. My child's school is a safe place to learn.

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* 2. My child's school provides a high-quality educational program.

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* 3. The buildings & grounds at my child's school are clean and well-maintained.

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* 4. The secretary & office staff at my child' school are friendly and helpful.

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* 5. The Parent Liaison at my child's school is friendly and helpful.

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* 6. The nurse at my child's school is friendly and helpful.

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* 7. The cafeteria staff members at my child's school are friendly and helpful.

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* 8. The bus drivers are friendly and helpful.

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* 9. My child's teachers are friendly and helpful.

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* 10. The principal is approachable and willing to listen to my concerns & opinions.

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* 11. The assistant principal is approachable & willing to listen to my concerns & opinions. 

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* 12. I feel welcome at my child's school.

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* 13. Overall, my child likes to come to school. 

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* 14. My child's teacher cares about my child & wants my child to be successful.

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* 15. My child's teacher has high expectations of his/her students.

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* 16. Social and cultural differences are respected at my child's school.

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* 17. I receive enough communication from the school about my child's educational programs. 

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* 18. I receive enough communication from the school to keep me informed of activities. 

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* 19. School personnel encourages me to participate in my child's education. 

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* 20. My child likes the meals served at school.

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* 21. The rules of this school are fair.

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* 22. I support the wearing of school uniforms.

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* 23. I have regular access to the Internet (could be at home, library, work, family, cellphone, etc). 

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* 24. What kind of device do you use to access the internet?

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* 25. The quality of my child's education at his/her school is:

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