Dear Parents,

Please remember that all Kittredge students will be dismissed at noon this coming Thursday, September 19, so their teachers can get ready for Back to School Night.

There will be no Study Hall. Extended Day will be available from noon until 6:00.

Classroom presentations will begin promptly at 6:30 (doors open at 6:15) and parking can be difficult in the evening so if you plan on attending Back to School Night, please consider picking up your child from Extendo early. 

This evening is for adults only. Teachers will be finished by 7:15 and our doors will close at 7:30 so everyone still has an evening with their family. Thank you for your help with this.

Please click the "done" button when you finish answering the questions below.

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Child/children's first name(s)

Question Title

* 2. Child/children's last name

Question Title

* 3. Child/children's grade(s)

Question Title

* 4. My child/children will:

Question Title

* 5. Comments/special circumstances:

Question Title

* 6. I have an Extended Day contract

If you enroll your child/children as a drop-in for the day, your TADS tuition account will be charged $30.00.
Thank you!