Achieving the Dream/The Tambellini Group Survey

Achieving the Dream Network Institutions increasingly turn to technology solutions as a lever to improve student outcomes.

Achieving the Dream, through a new collaboration with The Tambellini Group (TTG), is seeking to learn more about the technology solutions Achieving the Dream Network Colleges utilize to improve student outcomes. This information will help Achieving the Dream establish communities of practice and forums where institutions can share ways to select, implement, adopt, troubleshoot, and integrate technology solutions.

Your institution’s participation in this research survey is completely voluntary. In return for your institution’s time and willingness to participate in this very important research, TTG will offer 40% concession on any membership to their online data service site - Peertelligent

 Questions or concerns can be directed to Laurie Heacock, ATD National Director of Data, Technology and Analytics, at

We appreciate your institution's dedication to Achieving the Dream and improving student success outcomes!

Question Title

* 1. About you. This information is to validate your responses.

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* 2. About your institution's CIO.

Please select all of the technology solutions your institution has most recently selected. Note these solutions may not be operational but maybe in the implementation phase or to be implemented in the future.

Please answer to the best of your ability.  If you are not sure of an answer, you may skip it and move to the next question.

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* 3. Student Information System

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* 4. Learning Management - Institutional or Campus-Wide Solutions

Question Title

* 5. Lecture Capture

Question Title

* 6. Integrated Planning and Advising

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* 7. Business Intelligence - Statistical Analysis

Question Title

* 8. Business Intelligence Platform

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* 9. Business Intelligence - Visualization

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* 10. Reporting and Analytics

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* 11. Text Messaging - Emergency Notifications

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* 12. Text Messaging - Academics/Admissions

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* 13. Survey

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* 14. Labor Market Information Software

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* 15. Data Warehouse

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* 16. Accreditation Management

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* 17. Digital Course Content & Management

When your institution selects Digital Course Content & Management solutions, which approach does your institution use?

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* 18. Are there additional technology solutions your institution is considering selecting in the next 6 months?

50% of survey complete.