Participant Survey

Atlanta Streets Alive opens streets for people by temporarily closing them to cars to create a whole new healthy, sustainable and vibrant city street experience. If you participated in Atlanta Streets Alive Central on Sunday, September 30th, 2018, please share your experience with us!

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* 1. How many times have you attended Atlanta Streets Alive?

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* 2. How near do you live to Atlanta Streets Alive-Central 2018 route?

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* 3. How did you get to Atlanta Streets Alive-Central 2018? (If more than one, the mode with the longest distance)

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* 4. During a typical 7-day period (a week), how many times on the average do you do the following kinds of exercise for more than 15 minutes during your free time?
(e.g., running, jogging, jockey, football, soccer, squash, basketball, cross country, skiing, judo, roller skating, vigorous swimming, vigorous long-distance bicycling)

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(e.g., fast walking, baseball, tennis, easy bicycling, volleyball, badminton, easy swimming, alpine skiing, popular and folk dancing)

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(e.g., yoga, archery, fishing from river bank, bowling, horseshoes, golf, easy walking, snowmobiling)

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* 7. During a typical 7-Day period (a week), in your leisure time, how often do you engage in any regular activity long enough to work up a sweat (heart beats rapidly)?

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* 8. Did you get more physical activity/exercise at Atlanta Streets Alive-Central 2018 than you would have if you had not attended?

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* 9. What is your home zip code?

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* 10. What is your age?

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* 11. What is your yearly household income?

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* 12. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 13. Which one or more of the following best describes your race or ethnicity?

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* 14. Will you attend another Atlanta Streets Alive event in the future?

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* 15. Would you like to see more open street projects like Atlanta Streets Alive in the Atlanta area?

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* 16. Are you interested in participating in future surveys about ASA? If so, please provide your email address or phone number: