4% of survey complete.
The perception of offshoring in Australia is shifting. Thanks to the advancement of digital communications technologies, geographical barriers have been knocked down. 

What was once a strategy only available to large-scale corporates is now accessible to small and medium businesses. As more and more companies look to maintain and grow revenues, remain competitive in a rapidly expanding global market and empower and upskill local team members, the question is, is it good for the Australian economy? 

This industry-first survey will look at what the perceptions are of offshoring; from businesses who are currently using it and those that are not. The survey will also identify what the key factors of a successful offshore program are, identify the barriers to organisations pursuing an offshore approach and why some companies will not adopt it as a business strategy.

If you would like to receive a copy of the report before it is released to the public, please enter in your details below. If you would like to remain anonymous, the report will be available for download at a later stage.

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