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20% of survey complete.

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* 1. The area of land outlined in red on an aerial photo.

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* 2. Two brothers share in making the day-to-day decisions for an operation, such as planting, harvesting and marketing the crops. Which of the following best describes the type of operation?

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* 3. One person is responsible for the day-to-day decisions such as planting, harvesting and marketing the crops although he may not provide all of the capital, equipment or other inputs.

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* 4. An operating arrangement in which day-to-day management decisions are made by a hired manager.

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* 5. While conducting a June Area Survey, the tract operator refuses to provide information about his operation, it is best to:

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* 6. If the segment boundary on an aerial photo does not agree with the boundary outlined on a county map, which one should be used as a reference?

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* 7. The interview for a tract is ended on the Area Screening Questionnaire when:

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* 8. In Column 8 of the June Area screening form, if the respondent is not sure at the time of the interview if there will be any crops or livestock this year, you should check NO and ask the question in Column 9.

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* 9. Select the correctly updated tract lettering for each tract in the segment for the current year from Example 1: 

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* 10. "On the total acres operated on June 1" does NOT apply to which commodity?