Bicycle Network members

As a Bicycle Network member, you're one of almost 50,000 members helping us make bike riding easier for everyone. 
As a member, we need your help. We want to know what you love most about being a Bicycle Network member so we can encourage more people to start riding with us.

Tell us in 100 words or less what you love about being a Bicycle Network member, and you'll go in the draw to win one of five FREE annual memberships worth up to $187.

Thank you!
Bicycle Network
Ph 03 8376 8888
Protecting your privacy
We collect, use, disclose and otherwise handle your personal information in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy Statement. All information remains the property of Bicycle Network.

We do not collect personally identifiable information about you except where you specifically provide this information on a voluntary basis. We will make every effort to ensure that whatever information you provide will be maintained in a secure environment.