Survey Qualifying Information

Amplify Writers is intending to survey people who are pursuing creative writing as a career. Using information gathered from this survey, Amplify Writers intends to develop free or low-cost programming designed to support writers with identities, backgrounds, and experiences that are underrepresented in publishing. We are open to hearing from writers regardless of where they live and are collecting zip code information for the purposes of assessing and reporting on our geographic reach. 

Once you have completed the survey, you will have the option of completing a separate form to be entered into a raffle to win... SO MANY BOOKS!

Our list of raffle prizes for survey respondents continue to grow, but so far we have confirmed gift cards or book bundles from Another Read Through, Belmont Books, Forest Avenue Press, Microcosm Publishing, Rose City Book Pub, and Wallace Books!

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently earn--or aspire to earn--any income from creative writing or work related to creative writing?

Work related to creative writing could include teaching writing, speaking or presenting, editing, proofreading, reviewing books, marketing books, agenting, etc. Income can include fellowships, grants, royalties, and salary or freelance income earned through writing or writing-related work.

Question Title

* 2. What is your zip code?

If you live outside of the United States, please provide the name of your country.