Alpha Chi Omega would like to hear your thoughts on what you’d like to see in your alumna experience. Please take a few minutes to respond to this brief survey. If you have additional thoughts or suggestions, email

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* 2. To what degree do you feel you are currently engaged with Alpha Chi Omega?

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* 3. What is the thing you love most about your Alpha Chi Omega alumna experience?

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* 4. Of these options, please rank which you would most like to see offered by Alpha Chi Omega to alumnae? (select N/A for options you are not interested in being offered)

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* 5. What experiences, services and/or benefits would be most meaningful for Alpha Chi Omega to offer you as an alumna? (either something listed in the previous question or an alternate idea you might have)

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* 6. What type of events are you most interested in seeing Alpha Chi Omega host for alumnae?

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* 7. How would you like to stay connected to your chapter of initiation? (select all that apply)

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* 8. Are you involved in an alumnae chapter?