About This Survey

Welcome to the Alameda County Transportation Commission's (Alameda CTC) Transportation Priorities survey.  This survey is intended to help Alameda CTC understand your priorities for transportation improvements in Alameda County.

Alameda CTC manages the county's local transportation sales tax and serves as the county's congestion management agency. The agency delivers more than $200 million each year in transportation improvements that create jobs, enhance mobility, and enrich communities. Alameda CTC is currently updating its Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP), a long-range planning and
policy document that guides future transportation investments for all of Alameda County through 2040. For this survey, we look to you as a resident of Alameda County to help us prioritize where to allocate future funding.

This survey is intended to be a fun activity that should take less than 5 minutes to complete.  Enjoy!