The editors of ADDitude magazine want to hear from you!

This survey aims to learn about ADDitude readers’ use of and experience with various treatment strategies, including two that we describe this way:
  • Mental health apps that offer online and phone counseling services, but no diagnosis or prescription services (like BetterHelp or Headspace)
  • Telehealth services that offer online diagnosis and/or prescription services exclusively, with or without counseling, from clinicians other than your primary care provider (like Cerebral or BrightSide)
At the end of this survey, you will have the opportunity to download an ADDitude eBook, with our thanks.

Please note that no personal or individual data from this survey will ever be reported; we will share your aggregated responses with the ADDitude community and may quote comments in the magazine and online, but we will not use full-name attributions without explicit permission. ADDitude never shares any information about its subscribers, e-newsletter recipients, or survey respondents. (Read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.)

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* 1. Which of the following describe you? (Select all that apply.)

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* 2. For the remainder of this survey, please focus your responses on one individual with ADHD — yourself, your child, or the person for whom you have spent the most time managing care or using telehealth apps. This individual is:

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* 5. If the individual lives in the United States, please specify which state:

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* 6. Has the individual been diagnosed with any condition(s) in addition to ADHD? (Select all that apply.)

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* 7. Does the individual have an in-person doctor who diagnosed them and is overseeing ongoing care?

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* 8. What treatment strategies has the individual used in the past two years? (Select all that apply.)

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* 9. If the individual has not used a diagnosing and/or prescribing telehealth service like Cerebral or BrightSide, please tell us why. (Select all that apply.)

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* 10. If the individual has used a diagnosing and/or prescribing telehealth service like Cerebral or Brightside, please tell us their motivations for doing so. (Select all that apply.)

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* 11. Which of the following diagnosing and/or prescribing telehealth services has the individual used within the past two years? (Select all that apply.)

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* 12. Which of the following mental-health apps (no diagnosis or prescription services) has the individual used in the past two years? (Select all that apply.)

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* 13. What telehealth or mental-health app services(s) did the individual use? Please rate all that apply on a scale of 1 (not at all effective) to 5 (highly effective).

  1 - Not at all effective 2 3 4 5 - Highly effective N/A
Teletherapy sessions
Telehealth appointments with a doctor
Evaluation and/or diagnosis
Getting a new medication prescription
Renewing and/or adjusting an existing medication prescription
ADHD coaching
Mood or habit tracking
Brain training/brain games

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* 14. Which of the following diagnoses did the individual receive via a diagnosing and/or prescribing telehealth service? (Select all that apply.)

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* 15. What did the telehealth evaluation entail for the diagnosed condition(s) noted above? (Select all that apply.)

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* 16. Who conducted the evaluation for the individual via the telehealth service/app? (Select all that apply.)

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* 17. Approximately how long did the evaluation last?

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* 18. If the individual received a prescription via the diagnosing and/or prescribing telehealth service, what was that medication?

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* 19. If the individual received a prescription through the diagnosing and/or prescribing telehealth service, the prescription was:

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* 20. Were any new diagnoses, prescriptions, or therapy outcomes transmitted by the telehealth service to the individual’s existing in-person doctor?

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* 21. For the individual, how much time elapsed between initiating the telehealth service and receiving a diagnosis?

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* 22. How did the individual learn about the diagnosing and/or prescribing telehealth service(s) used? (Select all that apply.)

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* 23. Please share more about any concerns with or negative aspects of the individual's experiences with telehealth services:

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* 24. Please share more about any benefits or positive aspects of the individual's experiences with telehealth services:

More About You:

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* 28. Please identify yourself so that we can attribute your comment(s) correctly if printed in a future issue of ADDitude. You may provide your first and last name, city, and state; first name and state only; or leave the fields blank if you prefer to remain anonymous. We will only use first names and state in online content.

Question Title

* 29. Would you like to share more about your experiences using telehealth services and/or mental health apps? If so, please complete the following fields so that the ADDitude editorial team may contact you.

NOTE: We will NOT publish your contact information or make it public in any way. (See ADDitude's full privacy policy.)

By submitting a response, you give ADDitude the right to modify, publish, and reproduce your submission in the magazine, on its website, in e-newsletters, or in any ADDitude syndication, anthology, or electronic database. There is no payment. You certify that these are your own words and that you have not violated any copyright laws. If you'd prefer to respond anonymously, please leave the name and location fields above blank. If you provide any information, we'll assume that it's OK to include that when quoting you.
Choose your eBook on the next page, after clicking "Submit" below >