Exit this survey ACRL e-Learning course: Recent Developments in Fair Use Question Title * 1. The overall quality of the course was: Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Question Title * 2. How likely would you be to recommend this course to a friend/colleague? (10 extremely likely, 1 not likely at all) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Question Title * 3. Please indicate the appropriate percentage for each question. 0-25% 25-50% 51-75% 76-100% What percentage of the content covered in this course did you already know? What percentage of the content covered in this course did you already know? 0-25% What percentage of the content covered in this course did you already know? 25-50% What percentage of the content covered in this course did you already know? 51-75% What percentage of the content covered in this course did you already know? 76-100% How much of the information presented is useful to you in your work? How much of the information presented is useful to you in your work? 0-25% How much of the information presented is useful to you in your work? 25-50% How much of the information presented is useful to you in your work? 51-75% How much of the information presented is useful to you in your work? 76-100% Question Title * 4. Please respond to the following items using the response scale. Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Stongly Agree The course covered the material I expected. The course covered the material I expected. Strongly Disagree The course covered the material I expected. Disagree The course covered the material I expected. Agree The course covered the material I expected. Stongly Agree The online materials were adequate. The online materials were adequate. Strongly Disagree The online materials were adequate. Disagree The online materials were adequate. Agree The online materials were adequate. Stongly Agree Next