The Most Blind-Friendly...

Please nominate the most "blind-friendly" of these categories in Lake and Sumter Counties. Did this restaurant have readily-available large print or Braille menus? Did a clerk at that clothing store go above and beyond to help you? Which local company has award-winning accessibility?

Question Title

* 1. Restaurant

Question Title

* 2. Grocery store

Question Title

* 3. Clothing store

Question Title

* 4. Pharmacy

Question Title

* 5. Customer service

Question Title

* 6. Movie theatre

Question Title

* 7. Food delivery

Question Title

* 8. Online retailer

Question Title

* 9. Transportation service

Question Title

* 10. Bowling alley

Question Title

* 11. Bank

Question Title

* 12. Exercise center

Question Title

* 13. Book service/resource

Question Title

* 14. Doctor

Question Title

* 15. Hospital

Question Title

* 16. Community resource

Question Title

* 17. Nail salon

Question Title

* 18. Hair salon

Question Title

* 19. Utility company (including electric, water, internet, cable)

Question Title

* 20. Cell phone provider

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33% of survey complete.