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* 1. How many books have you published via a traditional academic publisher?

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* 2. How frequently do you publish books?

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* 3. Typically, in your experience, what is the timeframe to publish a book via a traditional academic publisher, from submission to publication?

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* 4. What percentage of your income in the past year came from the profits of publishing your work?

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* 5. Which aspects of academic publishing are most important to you, other than your goal to share your content with your target audience? You can answer as many as THREE.

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* 6. What profit percentage division between you and your publisher do you deem to be fair?

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* 7. What are you most disgruntled about when it comes to the academic publishing process?

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* 8. Do you feel you should be given more control and visibility over the publishing process?

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* 9. Do you feel like you have good visibility on the royalties you make from the sales of your work?

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* 10. Do you feel you should earn more from the publication of your work?

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* 11. Have you ever considered ceasing to publish your work for financial reasons?

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* 12. Generally, are you confident that your research is still current by the time it reaches publication?

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* 13. Do you think your academic field is being held back by the amount of time it takes for research to reach publication?

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* 14. Overall, are you satisfied with your experience of the traditional academic publishing process?

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* 15. Would you say commercial academic publishers present:

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* 16. Would you say traditional academic publishing needs to change?

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* 17. Please provide any additional comments you have on your experience getting work published: