Get your Emotional Intelligence Certification Today!

Take this 21-question exam to test your understanding of Emotional Intelligence. If you pass, you will receive an email from Accredible within an hour. If you do not pass, you can retake this quiz as many times as you need.

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* 1. Name you would like to appear on your certificate:

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* 2. Email where we can send your certification:

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* 3. Who is the leading researcher in Emotional Intelligence and author of the book, Emotional Intelligence.

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* 4. Which of the following is not among the five skills of emotional intelligence?

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* 5. True or False: Emotional Intelligence skills can be trained

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* 6. In their research, Harvard University estimates the average person spends 47% of their time with their mind doing what?

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* 7. What is mindful listening?

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* 8. What does Harvard Business Review define “culture” as?

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* 9. According to the American Psychological Association, what is stressing professionals out?

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* 10. When people are stressed, which leadership style do they tend to adopt according to Dan Goleman's research?

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* 11. What are the benefits of journaling?

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* 12. In Dan Goleman's research, stellar tech performers were shown to have very low emotional intelligence (EQ).

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* 13. Research has shown that multitasking actually reduces productivity by as much as 40%

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* 14. According to Dan Goleman, what is Self Awareness?

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* 15. Moving from compulsion to choice means avoiding emotional reactions in favor of calm, thoughtful responses.

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* 16. Who said “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”

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* 17. Which of the following describes an “Amygdala Hijack”?

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* 18. According to Webster's, what is “Resilience”?

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* 19. Empathy is the ability to experience and understand what others feel while maintaining a clear discernment about your own and the other person’s feelings and perspectives

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* 20. According to various studies, why is emotional intelligence (EQ) valued more highly than IQ? 

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* 21. What does the acronym T-F-A-R stand for?