LSA 2022 Annual Meeting Format Survey

This survey is designed to gauge your willingness to attend the LSA's 2022 Annual Meeting depending on the format it takes (in-person, virtual, or hybrid).   Your answers to this survey do not commit you to attending the Annual Meeting, or to attending it in a particular format. 

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* 1. Please provide your name and email address.  Responses will not affect abstract review, which is double-blind:  reviewers do not know the identity of the abstract author(s), nor the author(s) the identity of the reviewers.

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* 2. Assuming there are no financial and/or safety impediments to travel and/or large gatherings, would your preference be to present your research virtually or in person?

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* 3. Assuming your abstract is accepted, how likely will you be to attend the LSA's 2022 Annual Meeting (January 6-9, Washington, DC) if it is held in the following formats?

  Likely to attend Neither likely nor unlikely to attend Unlikely to attend
100 percent in-person
100 percent virtual
Hybrid (partly in-person and partly virtual)

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* 4. I have submitted an abstract or abstracts for presentation in the following formats (check all that apply)

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* 5. If you indicated you might attend the 2022 Annual Meeting if it is held in a hybrid format, how would you plan to attend it?