Thank you for supporting Measure AA. Please help us refine our facilities master plan by prioritizing the following projects.

Question Title

* 2. Safety: This category encompasses upgrades needed for campus safety.

  Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority
Network based emergency notification system allowing for instant district/site-wide communication including paging and silent text message. Text message can be displayed on classroom bell system screens in conjunction with flashing attention lights.
Even out walkways to remove ‘trip and fall’ areas.
Installation of standard campus fire suppression. Update campus fire alarm systems.

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* 3. Campus Security: The following items are under consideration to improve student safety.

  Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority
Implement signage and decorative fencing to ensure visitors enter through designated entry ways.
Secure the classroom areas of campus during school hours with decorative wrought-iron fences and gates.
Secure the campus perimeter after school hours with decorative wrought-iron gates.
Add security cameras throughout the campus.
Limit the number of access points onto the campus during the school day and/or during non-school hours.
Increase outdoor lighting to improve campus visibility during night.

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* 4. Health: This category contains facility items related to the health of our students.

  Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority
Finish remaining HVAC upgrades to bring air conditioning to the entire campus (to include F, G, H, S, J, K, L buildings, kitchen, staff room.
Implement water bottle filling stations to replace or in addition to aging water fountains.

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* 5. Maintenance: This category is for repairs and maintenance of existing facilities and hardscape - sidewalks, paths, steps/stairs.

  Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority
Repair aging campus roofs to prevent water damage associated with leaky roofs.
Improve drainage around campus to remove low-lying areas with raised or no drains that create lakes or drain into buildings.
Update the look and feel of our campuses by repainting exterior walls, overhangs and ceiling tiles. Install new sidewalks over unpaved paths and repair existing sidewalk.

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* 6. Site and Landscaping: This category includes all areas outside of the buildings - circulation, parking, athletic fields, etc.

  Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority
Design an open-concept quad to improve student flow around campus. Ex/ Remove back walls of outdoor stage (or change into seating wall) to improve visibility and student flow.
Underground utility upgrades, landscaping modernization, water storage and water conservation.
Irrigation system upgrades from sprinklers to drip systems and electronic weather monitoring for usage and water dispensing.
Update outdoor space to provide seating and meeting areas for students.

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* 7. Energy Conservation: These initiatives would bring our campuses up to date with title 24 energy codes.

  Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority
Upgrade obsolete energy management system to monitor usage and conserve electricity.
Implement cost effective way of storing electricity from solar system. Using stored power to offset evening events and 24-hour power consumption.
Replace single pane windows with new energy efficient windows.

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* 8. Change the look and feel of our campus by building a college-like atmosphere.

  Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority
Display campus passion using logos and colorful signage. Focus on campus branding to build pride for our campus, students and staff.
Paint campus with updated color schemes. These colors would add building distinction, simplified campus navigation and bring life to our campus.
Build student-centric facilities that inspire student collaboration. Ex/ Build a centrally-located space (i.e. StudentUnion) where students can gather for club meetings, leadership classes, student store, student study spaces, storage for spirit, etc