Question Title

* 1. With regard to quality online learning, how important are the following criteria, which are related to the online environment?

  Not Important At All Of Little Importance Of Average Importance Very Important Absolutely Essential
The design of the online learning environment is logically sequenced and organised
The online learning environment is inclusive
Students have opportunities and are explicitly invited to provide feedback on their learning experience
There is a single location for important news and announcements
Online learning elements and resources can be effectively accessed through a search function
The online learning design is responsive across devices and platforms (e.g. mobile enabled, able to be accessed on different devices)
Online learning elements meet appropriate accessibility standards
The design, layout and navigation of the online learning environment is consistent and intuitive

Question Title

* 2. With regard to quality online learning, how important are the following criteria, which are related to online learning tasks?

  Not Important At All Of Little Importance Of Average Importance Very Important Absolutely Essential
There are opportunities for students to actively engage in a variety of learning tasks.
Learning and assessment tasks clearly reflect work integrated learning and/or disciplinary contexts
Learning tasks are supported by relevant digital technology to promote the achievement of learning outcomes
Learning and assessment task instructions are clearly stated
Clear expectations and outcomes for the learning and assessment tasks are provided
Learning and assessment tasks are flexible to cater for the diversity of the student cohort
Learning and assessment tasks incorporate opportunities for collaborative student engagement
Learning outcomes are assessed through a range of learning and assessment tasks
The introduction of new technologies are scaffolded and developmentally sequenced
Opportunities to develop and demonstrate digital literacies are provided and integrated into assessment tasks and associated marking criteria
Learning tasks are designed to encourage self-assessment and provide formative feedback

Question Title

* 3. With regard to quality online learning, how important are the following criteria, which are related to online learner support?

  Not Important At All Of Little Importance Of Average Importance Very Important Absolutely Essential
Links to relevant institutional services, information and policies are provided
There are clear instructions for how technical and learning support resources can be accessed
Instructions/guides for using the technology are available, consistent and clear
Support and information to answer student questions is available
Student analytics dashboards are available to learners and enable learners to track their progress
The aims, learning outcomes, assessment task details, schedule of learning and participation expectations are provided
Details about assessment tasks, their requirements, assessment criteria (e.g. rubrics) and how and when feedback will be provided are clearly explained
Opportunities for student-to-student interaction are evident
There is an explicit orientation and socialisation activities to foster the learning community
There is an explicit introduction to the course, academic teaching team and key staff
Positive standards for online interaction are clear and prominent
There is structure and support provided to assist students to interact and engage with each other

Question Title

* 4. With regard to quality online learning, how important are the following criteria, which are related to online learning resources?

  Not Important At All Of Little Importance Of Average Importance Very Important Absolutely Essential
Learning resources are accessible
Learning resources are appropriately attributed and copyright compliant
Learning resources are provided in a range of formats
Learning resources are contemporary and appropriate
Learning resources have a global outlook and reflect multi-cultural diversity
Learning resources are provided to engage and support student learning
There are opportunities for students to share learning resources
A range of learning resources are made available to meet student equity and diversity needs

Question Title

* 5. With regard to quality online learning, how important are the following elements of online learning design?

  Not Important At All Of Little Importance Of Average Importance Very Important Absolutely Essential
ONLINE ENVIRONMENT within which learning transpires; encompassing the user interface, the navigation strategies, the layout, functionality, accessibility and user experience.
LEARNING TASKS encompassing the online activities that are designed to engage students and assist them to develop new capabilities; includes the scope and quality of the learning and assessment tasks and the authenticity and student-centered nature of the learning .
LEARNER SUPPORT referring to how the online environment has been designed to support the online learner; encompassing the quality of the instructions and directions, the teacher and student interactions and the assistance provided to learners beyond the delivery of the formal curriculum.
LEARNING RESOURCES which are the tools and content that students have access to which promote their learning and engagement.