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Public Health Professional Services Improvement/Awareness Survey

Public Health Professional Services (PHPS) is a contracted staffing solution program of the Ohio Public Health Association.  This program provides  surge/temporary/project staffing placements of public health professionals/graduates to assist Local Health Departments (LHD), hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), non-profits, and others needing staffing to meet programming for tactical (such as administration/fiscal support or grant administration) clinical/professional (such as Registered Sanitarians/RNs, LPNs, health education, programming, and immunization needs), and strategic needs (such as accreditation and community needs assessments). 

As we reflect on the Covid pandemic and the significant stressors placed on public health professionals and their organizations, we are interested in your thoughts on how your organization might utilize or consider utilizing PHPS.

Please take a few minutes to respond to this survey so that we might be able to be able to more proactively anticipate staffing issues and provide for those needed services.  


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* 1. What region is your LHD?

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* 2. What is your role/job?

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* 3. Who makes the staffing decisions for your health department?

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* 4. Are you familiar with/aware of OPHA's Public Health Professional Services (PHPS) program?

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* 5. Does your department have needs for surge staffing (temporary needs which may or may not be anticipated in advance) throughout the year?

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* 6. How far in advance are you typically aware of the surge capacity needs?

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* 7. Do you have an existing plan for personnel to cover needs for surge staffing?

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* 8. Do you have an existing budget plan for surge staffing?

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* 9. What do you consider a reasonable "markup" (or additional percentage) of hourly wage that the employee will receive?  (Considering this relieves your department of taxes, unemployment claims, OPERS and other liabilities)

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* 10. Has your department ever utilized the PHPS program with OPHA?

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* 11. If you have used PHPS, how likely would you use PHPS for your next surge/temporary staffing need?

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* 12. If you have never utilized PHPS, is there a reason?

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* 13. Describe your concerns with the quality of the consultants.

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* 14. Describe your concerns with the quality of the administration of  PHPS.

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* 15. Do you see a need for PHPS in your department in the next 3-18 months?

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* 16. In what areas could PHPS be most helpful to your department in the future? - Check as many as apply.

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* 17. If you are not a PHPS client, is there a particular reason why you don't anticipate a need for PHPS? - Check as many as apply - in rank order

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* 18. What additional services could PHPS provide to add value to the PHPS programs?

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* 19. Did you know that you can refer retirees, active PT/FT employees, and staff who are exiting the LHD to PHPS to be consultants who could be on the roster of available consultants for projects?  Doing so increases the number of quality consultants who are available to meet contract needs.  

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* 20. Have you referred anyone

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* 21. Would you be interested in offering your services as a consultant?

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* 22. What changes/might encourage/entice you to want to be a consultant? (Insert "None" if you would not consider.)

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* 23. What else would you like OPHA's leadership to know?

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* 24. Optional:  Please provide your name/contact information

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