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PHPS Brand Awareness Survey
Public Health Professional Services Improvement/Awareness Survey
Public Health Professional Services (PHPS) is a contracted staffing solution program of the Ohio Public Health Association. This program provides surge/temporary/project staffing placements of public health professionals/graduates to assist Local Health Departments (LHD), hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), non-profits, and others needing staffing to meet programming for tactical (such as administration/fiscal support or grant administration) clinical/professional (such as Registered Sanitarians/RNs, LPNs, health education, programming, and immunization needs), and strategic needs (such as accreditation and community needs assessments).
As we reflect on the Covid pandemic and the significant stressors placed on public health professionals and their organizations, we are interested in your thoughts on how your organization might utilize or consider utilizing PHPS.
Please take a few minutes to respond to this survey so that we might be able to be able to more proactively anticipate staffing issues and provide for those needed services.