As part of SCRHA's continued advocacy and public relations efforts, we are asking that you share your stories regarding tenant behavior (such as harassment, illegal activity, repeated nuisances, lease violations) that might not rise to the level of "imminent threat to health & safety." We need to show the public and elected officials why policies that remove your ability to terminate tenancy or evict are bad for neighbors and communities. (Please do not include stories about non-payment of rent as we are focusing on tenant behavior and safety concerns).

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* 1. Please provide a brief description of the activity being committed by your tenant.

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* 2. Please enter the Zip Code for your rental property.

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* 3. Have you previously served a violation notice or perform or quit notice to this resident for the same or similar behavior?

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* 4. Have other residents complained about this offending tenant?

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* 5. Have the police responded as a result of this tenant's behavior (i.e. neighbor or roommate called police)?

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* 6. Have other residents indicated they will move if you can't remove the offending tenant from the property (terminate or evict)?

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* 7. Have any residents already moved because you have been unable to remove the problematic tenant?

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* 8. Would you be willing to speak directly with the media and/or elected officials?

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* 9. Please provide your contact information. Even if you are unwilling to speak publicly, staff may want to contact you to learn more about your situation.

Thank you for your help!