Poole Activities Building Survery

1.When you think about the recreation ministries of SHUMC, what do you think is the primary ministry purpose of the Poole Building?
2.Would you be supportive of opportunities to offer no-cost ministries to children and families? For example, 4-H, Homemakers, tutoring, Scouting, cooking & nutrition classes, finance planning, etc.
3.Would you be supportive of athletic and other recreation businesses having classes in the Poole Building or Education Building at a cost to the participant? For example, Pilates, Karate classes, music lessons and classes, art classes, basketball lessons, sports camps, physical therapy, etc. (Classes and lessons would be paid to the vendor offering those lessons.)
4.Please respond to the following statement indicating your agreement: “I would be willing to volunteer to tutor children, read to children, offer classes on literacy or other need I feel called to.”
5.Please respond to the following statement indicating your agreement: “I would be willing to volunteer to coach children in soccer, basketball, or other sports.”
6.How might you, your family, and friends like to use the activities building? What recreational activities are important to you? (Choose as many answers as needed)