Stay On Your Feet® can also deliver strength and balance instructor training in various locations in WA on request. Please complete this short survey to express interest in attending one or more of the following: 

1/2-day Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise program workshop,
1/2-day Otago Exercise programme workshop,
One-day combined LiFE program and Otago exercise programme workshop, and/or
Two-day Tai Chi for Arthritis for Falls Prevention Instructor Training.

Please forward this survey to your colleagues who may also be interested in attending a strength and balance instructor training workshop as Stay On Your Feet® requires a minimum number of attendees to deliver each workshop.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Location / Region

Question Title

* 3. Organisation

Question Title

* 4. Position

Question Title

* 5. Email

Question Title

* 6. Contact phone number

Question Title

* 7. Which strength and balance instructor training course are you interested in attending?

Question Title

* 8. Preferred day of training

Question Title

* 9. Would you like to subscribe to the Stay On Your Feet® fortnightly Falls Prevention eNews?