The PSW Fellowship Program (FPSW) exists to formally recognize PSW members who have demonstrated engagement with and sustained and substantive contribution to PSW. Candidates achieve this recognition through formal and informal leadership in PSW and advancing patient care and the practice of pharmacy in the state of Wisconsin in any practice setting. Fellows will be recognized annually at the PSW Annual Meeting.

The FPSW Recognition Committee renders its decision based only on the application materials and the criteria for recognition. Candidates will be awarded points based on demonstration of activities as outlined in the application in accordance with the FPSW assessment rubric.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. CV or Resume

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* 3. Personal Statement that addresses each of the following (500 words or less):
  • The candidate’s active participation in PSW and significant contributions to pharmacy practice; and,
  • Why the candidate believes that a level of service commensurate with Fellow status has been achieved