More than two hours on a Sunday, church is about sharing life together. TVC Communities are the way we will gather during the week around the table to be the people of Jesus in our neighborhoods and beyond. This is how we practice the way of Jesus together in the Vail Valley. Your 'table' could be in your home, in a restaurant at the top of Beaver Creek Resort, or meeting at a trailhead on a Saturday morning for a devo and hike. The opportunities are endless! 

Please note: We are not looking to create a 'small group program'. Our communities/gatherings will have the DNA of a missional community. Here's what that is:

Missional Community: A community of Christians, on mission with God, in obedience to the Holy Spirit, who demonstrate the gospel tangibly and declare the gospel creatively to a pocket of people. These communities will meet in homes, outdoors, and even in neutral locations. 

We want you through Missional Community to:
+ Live as a family and develop deep relationships
+ Become Like Jesus
+ Serve Your City & Church 

Ok, I'm interested. Now what? We are looking for people to step up, get trained, lead, and be part of our disciple-making movement. Fill out this survey if you are interested in leadership and training as we look ahead to creating missional communities.

*Filling out the survey does not guarantee a leadership role over a community. Answering the questions below will help us overall understand more about you so that we can help you take steps in your spiritual formation.

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* 1. Contact info

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* 2. Spouse Name (if applicable)

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* 4. If you are a Part-Time resident, please select the months of the year you are typically here below

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* 8. Kids Names and Ages: If this applies. We will use this info when we consider connecting families with each other. Note: You do not need to fill out if your kids do not live at home i.e. empty nester 

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* 10. If you answered 'YES' to the above question, please give a little detail about your current group

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* 12. Hobbies & Interests: Help us get to know you better. An aspect of community is shared experiences. There are too many options to list - but here are a few generalized options. Please check below as many things that apply to you