We are Omar Elazhary, Matthieu Foucault, and Margaret-Anne Storey, computer science researchers from the University of Victoria. Our team is investigating the usage of automated tool support, and how those tools may impact pull request evaluation and the pull request submission workflow. We’d be grateful if you could help us understand this further by completing the survey below. It should take approximately 20 minutes of your time.

The tools we are investigating include all those that are associated with a pull request or commit, whether they appear as checks, automated comments, or via any other medium. We are also interested in other tools you might be using that do not officially show up on your software repository provider's platform, but also help you throughout the pull request submission process. 

This survey will help us in understanding how software developers use the tools available to them, and whether these tools fulfill their needs. We will openly publish the results so everyone can benefit from them, but will anonymize everything before doing so. Your responses will be handled confidentially. There will be an opportunity near the end of the survey to sign up for an interview if you would like to contribute more. Also, we will be sending out a report detailing the effects of integration usage in software repositories based on the results of this survey to all respondents who provide their contact information at the end of the survey.

This survey focuses on the usage of automated tools from the perspective of the contributor, i.e. the submitter of a pull request. If you also used such tools as a reviewer of a pull request, you are more than welcome to take part in our other survey here: Reviewer Survey

This study has been reviewed and approved by the Human Ethics Research Board at the University of Victoria. If you wish to read more details and review the consent form for this survey, please click here.

Question Title

* 1. How long have you been developing software?

Question Title

* 2. How many software development projects (open source and others) have you submitted pull requests to over the past 3 months?

Question Title

* 3. How often do you make pull requests (not necessarily to a single project)?

About Integrations/Tools:
We consider an integration to be a tool that integrates with the repository management system and provides feedback within the user interface of that system. Examples of feedback that these tools provide can be (1) a badge in your README.md (e.g., code climate), (2) minimal feedback within a pull request (e.g. TravisCI or Codacy), or (3) detailed feedback within a pull request like codecov.

Question Title

Example of minimal feedback on a pull request

Example of minimal feedback on a pull request

Question Title

Example of detailed feedback on a pull request

Example of detailed feedback on a pull request

Question Title

* 4. Which tools have run on your code over the past 3 months, and where did you get feedback?
Check all that apply.

  Locally on my machine Within a CI tool (e.g., in a CI build log or CI tool's web interface) On the repo's homepage (e.g., a badge in README.md) On the PR interface (with minimal feedback, e.g., a checkmark) On the PR interface (with detailed feedback, e.g., an automated comment)
Travis CI Logo Travis CI
AppVeyor Logo AppVeyor
coveralls logo coveralls
Circle CI CircleCI
Codecov Logo codecov
Scrutinizer Logo scrutinizer
Jenkins Logo Jenkins
Code Climate logo Code Climate
Codacy logo Codacy
Quantified Code Logo QuantifiedCode
VersionEye Logo VersionEye
ReviewNinja Logo ReviewNinja
Zappr Logo Zappr
Sensio Labs Insight logo Sensio Labs Insight
For the following questions, please consider the repository to which you submit the majority of your pull requests.

Question Title

* 5. Where are the project contribution guidelines defined?

Question Title

* 6. If the project does have contribution guidelines defined, please provide examples.

Question Title

* 7. How do you ensure that your contribution follows the project guidelines (if any)?

Question Title

* 8. Do the tools you selected/listed previously help you follow the contribution guidelines? If yes, how?

Question Title

* 9. Which activities do you perform locally to evaluate your contribution before submitting it, without relying on CI or integrations?

Question Title

* 10. If you answered the previous question, why do you choose to perform these activities locally?

Question Title

* 11. Are there tools that are not enforced by the contribution guidelines, but that you still use? If yes, which tools, and why do you use them?

Question Title

* 12. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
"Using integrations makes the review process objective."
"The usage of integrations makes the review process transparent, in that it makes reviewer reasons for accepting/rejecting a pull request clear."

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* 13. Please elaborate on why you agree/disagree with the statements above.

Question Title

* 14. The following information sources are commonly accessed to learn more about why a contribution failed. Please rank them from most used (1) to least used (7).

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* 15. Do you use other resources that are not listed above? If yes, which do you most frequently use?

Question Title

* 16. Tools that enable the automation of tasks within the pull request submission process do not provide as much value to me -the contributor- as they do to the reviewer.
Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

Question Title

* 17. Do you have any additional comments?


Question Title

* 18. Would you like to be notified about the results of this study and any publications we produce? If yes, please enter your email address below.

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* 19. Would you be available for a 30 minute interview over Skype or Google Hangouts? We’ll use the email filled in above to contact you.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey!!