The City of Watertown was awarded grant funding through the Downtown Revitalization Initiative to create a recognizable brand for Watertown as well as a coordinated wayfinding network of signs in downtown Watertown. This survey will help us understand the public’s thoughts on the current wayfinding signage throughout downtown and the City as a whole.

Wayfinding refers to signs such a gateway signs, parking signs, interpretive signs, and vehicular and pedestrian signs.
Demographic Information:

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* 1. How often do you visit the City of Watertown?

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* 2. Are you a resident, tourist, or commuter of the City?

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* 3. What is your primary mode of transportation in the city? (Walking, driving, public transit, biking, etc.)

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* 4. How frequently do you visit Watertown’s downtown area?

Awareness and Perception:

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* 5. Have you noticed any wayfinding signs to help guide you through the city before today?

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* 6. On a scale of 1 to 10

  1 - not helpful at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - extremely helpful
How well do you think the current signage helps you navigate the city?

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* 7. What words or phrases come to mind when you think about the signage that guides you through the city?

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* 8. What aspects of the current wayfinding signage do you find most helpful? (e.g., directional arrows, landmarks, distance information)

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* 9. Are there any aspects of the current wayfinding signage that you find confusing or unhelpful?

Usage and Effectiveness:

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* 10. Have you ever used the wayfinding signage to navigate through the city

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* 11. Which types of destinations do you find the signage most useful for? (e.g., landmarks, transportation hubs, public facilities)

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* 12. How easy is it to understand the information provided on the signage?

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* 13. Can you recall a specific instance when the wayfinding signage helped you reach your destination more easily?

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* 14. Have you ever encountered situations where the signage was insufficient or misleading? Please provide an example if possible.

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* 15. How often do you find yourself relying on digital mapping apps (Google Maps, Apple Maps, etc.) instead of the city's signage?

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* 16. Are there specific areas or intersections in the city where you think additional wayfinding signs would be beneficial?

Design and Clarity:

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* 17. Do you find the design of the signage visually appealing?

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* 18. Are the colors and symbols used on the signage clear and understandable?

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* 19. Are the fonts and text sizes on the signage easily readable?

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* 20. Is the placement of the signage strategic and easily noticeable?

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* 21. Would you prefer more detailed maps on the signage or concise directions? (More detailed maps, Concise directions, Neutral)

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* 22. Have you ever missed a turn or destination due to inadequate signage? Please share an experience if applicable.

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* 23. Have you ever missed a turn or destination due to inadequate signage? Please share an experience if applicable.


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* 24. In what specific areas do you think the city's signage could be improved?

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* 25. Are there any locations in the city where you feel there is a lack of signage?

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* 26. How do you think technology (e.g., digital displays, and/or mobile apps) could enhance the wayfinding experience?


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* 27. Please select the color group that best match Watertown’s personality:

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* 28. Please select the themes that best reflect Watertown's identity:

Additional Comments:

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* 29. What are your impressions of Watertown, NY? Any Additional thoughts or comments regarding the signage in the city? Please comment below.