VetCT is conducting a survey to gather understanding and opinions on the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in veterinary medicine.

AI presents huge opportunities for the veterinary profession to support veterinary teams and optimise patient care, however, there are also significant challenges around the safe development and deployment of these tools.

This survey aims to gather data about the current level of knowledge, perceived opportunities and challenges regarding the use of AI in veterinary medicine; from veterinary education and research to in-clinic use.

VetCT will openly share the results from this survey to help inform companies, organisations and individuals about the opinions of the veterinary community regarding the impact of AI in veterinary medicine.

Question Title

* 1. What is your current level of knowledge and understanding of AI?

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* 2. Which areas of GENERAL AI development most excite you?

  Not at all A little A Moderate Amount A Great Deal N/A
AI applied to clinical situations (e.g. diagnosis and prognosis prediction)
AI to facilitate the way you work (e.g. rota tools, dictation tools, automated work assignment)
AI applied to communication (e.g. chatbots, ChatGPT)
AI applied to education (e.g. personalised learning, creation of CPD material)

Question Title

* 3. Which VETERINARY applications of AI most excite you?

  Not at all A little A moderate amount A great deal N/A
Disease risk prediction tools
Diagnostic imaging tools to improve the accuracy of diagnosis
Diagnostic tools to improve the accuracy of diagnosis other than imaging (e.g. interpretation of blood results, cytology, urinalysis etc.)
Treatment and case management optimisation
Prognostic and outcome prediction tools
Operational tools to improve clinic workflows (e.g. automated triage chatbots, assignment of work, rotas etc.)
Automated translation into different languages

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* 4. What specific AI application(s) would you like to see developed for veterinary medicine?

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* 5. Rank these potential benefits of AI in order of importance to you

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* 6. Please write any additional benefits you can foresee

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* 7. Rank the potential concerns and risks of AI in the future

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* 8. Please write any additional risks you can foresee

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* 9. Are there any specific AI application(s) you would NOT want to see developed for veterinary medicine?

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* 10. Do you feel happy to implement clinical AI tools in veterinary practice?

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* 11. In order to better understand the use of AI in veterinary medicine what training and information would you find helpful?

  Not at all A little A moderate amount A great deal Essential
Foundational training in AI
Information about data sources and how the data is used by each AI tool
Description of how each AI tool makes its predictions
Description of the accuracy of the AI tool (sensitivity, specificity, confidence in predictions etc.)
Understanding of the indications and limitations of the AI tool (disorders and pathologies detected, quality control process etc.)
Scientific publication to accompany commercially available AI tools
The conclusions of an ethics committee before an AI tool is commercially available
CPD provided by the AI developer on how to use their algorithm
A library of commercially available AI tools for veterinary medicine detailing their individual applications

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* 12. Please add any other questions, suggestions or comments about AI in the veterinary industry.

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* 13. What is your role? (Please tick all that apply)

Thank you for completing this survey. The results will be shared through the VetCT website and social media channels, or you can request a copy by emailing