Do rock climbers with high sensation seeking experience more craving?

We would like to invite you to take part in a research study. Before you decide, you need to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take time to read the following information carefully. Ask questions if anything you read is unclear or if you require more information. Take time to decide whether you would like to take part or not.

Sensation seeking was described by Zuckerman (1971; 1974) as a personality trait that leads individuals to indulge in a variety of dangerous behaviours such as violence, gambling and extreme sports (Zuckerman & Kuhlman, 2000). In regard to craving, there is evidence that suggests that when athletes do not participate in their sport, they experience craving and anhedonia (the inability to feel pleasure in normally pleasurable activities) (Franken, et. al., 2006 ; Willig, 2008).

What is the purpose of the study?
The purpose of this study is to see if there is relationship between sensation seeking and craving among rock climbers. The study also aims at gaining more evidence to confirm the presence of craving among extreme sports athletes. Participants will be required to fill out two separate questionnaires. The questionnaires ask questions about their rock climbing habits and sensations, feelings and behaviours that they may experience or indulge in when they are involved in the sport as well as when they cannot participate in the sport.

Why have I been invited?
This study requires information from individuals who indulge in rock climbing at least once in a week. You have been invited to participate in the study as your answers in the questionnaire will help us see if there is a relationship between sensation seeking and craving.

Participation in the study
It is up to you to decide if you would like to take part in the study or not. After you read this information sheet, you will be asked to sign a consent form to show that you agree to take part. If at any point during the study, you would like to withdraw, you can do so without giving a reason (until August 31st, 2016).

What happens if I take part in the study?
You will be asked to fill out two questionnaires. There are no right or wrong answers to either questionnaires. All data given will remain anonymous and no personal information will be retained. All participants will be given a code at the start of the study. If at any point you wish to withdraw from the study (until August 31st, 2016),let the researcher know and give her your alias (you will be asked to provide an alias during the study). All the data will be stored and kept confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

What will I have to do?
After you read this information sheet, if you would like to take part in this study, you will need to complete the consent form. Only after the consent form has been completed, will you be given the two questionnaires.