Survey Instructions

The EPCBA plans on hosting an in-person trial school for attorneys interested in learning basic trial skills. If safe to host, this will take place in November 2021, likely at the EPC Courthouse. We are requesting feedback from attorneys of all levels to help determine the most essential curriculum for new practitioners. 

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* 1. How many years have you been practicing law?

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* 2. What is your practice area? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. Would you attend an after-work trial school course to learn trial skill fundamentals? Courses will be CLE accredited.

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* 4. What skills or skills do you think it is most important to impart on new attorneys who will be practicing in court?

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* 5. Please check all of the courses you think we should offer.

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* 6. Please check all of the subcategory courses you think we should offer. 

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* 7. Is there any other course or topic that you think the trial school should offer?

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* 8. Are there any practitioners or judges that you think would make excellent faculty? (Local or along the front range)

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* 9. How Many evening sessions should the trial school have?

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* 10. What days are you likely available in the evenings this fall?

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* 11. What is an ideal start time sessions

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* 12. What is an ideal end time for sessions?

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* 13. Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions for the trial school committee?