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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. On a scale From 1 to 4 how would you rate your connection to your community (1 - No Connection, 4 - Very Strong Connection)

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A
I am connected to volunteer opportunities/organizations in the community
I feel there are organizations in the community to help me with the challenges I face
I feel connected to my school/neighborhood community
I feel connected to a spiritual community
I feel connected to mental health resources in my community

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* 3. On a scale from 1 to 4 how prepared do you feel for future work success? (1 - Feeling Hopeless, 4 - Feeling Overprepared)

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* 4. On a scale from 1 to 4 how would you rate the job opportunities available to you at your age? (1 - No Opportunities, 4 - Opportunities Everywhere)

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* 5. Are you currently working or seeking work?

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* 6. If you were to search for employment how would you do it? (Select All That Apply)

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* 7. Who do you go to to help you find jobs (What Resources Do You Use?)

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* 8. When looking for a job what is important to you? (Select All That Apply)

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* 9. What are the challenges to finding and keeping a job? (Choose All That Apply)

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* 10. What are three things that would make you quit a job?

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* 11. Have you, are you currently, or do you plan on attending any post secondary education, apprenticeship or training?

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* 12. What are some of the challenges that you face in going to post secondary education, apprenticeship or training? (Choose All That Apply)

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* 13. If you would like to be part of any follow up sessions discussing these topics further please leave your name and email below and someone from the Workforce Planning Board WWD will contact you with information as sessions are planned