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The goal of this survey is to give St. Luke's Clergy and Vestry feedback on what is working well within our Parish and what needs you might have during this very unusual time and your thoughts about next steps.

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* 1. Which of the below best describes your worship participation since March of 2020:

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* 2. The things I have missed most about St. Luke's during this time are (check all that apply)

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* 3. During this time, I have been able to engage in St. Luke's sponsored activities with other parishioners by (check all that apply)

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* 4. I believe our St. Luke's community has done a good job of adapting during this pandemic so that we stay connected.

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* 5. This time away from our regular life together as a Parish has made me more grateful for St. Luke's community.

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* 6. During this time, the top two areas of concern or anxiety for me and my household are (please pick two):

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* 7. I know who to contact in our St. Luke's community if I need help.

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* 8. During this time, when I think about my relationship with God, I feel:

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* 9. When I think about my spiritual walk and spiritual health during this time, the things I have found helpful have been (check all that apply)

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* 10. I would feel comfortable extending our season of only online worship if that is the safest option for St. Luke's to act in love during this pandemic.

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* 11. Would you be interested in any of the following opportunities to be on the St. Luke's campus, if offered:

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* 12. At the time we are allowed to re-gather, what precautions would you personally be willing to take in order to be able to attend worship as regularly as you did before (check all that apply)

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* 13. At the time we are allowed to re-gather, what precautions would you require be in place to attend worship as regularly as you did before (check all that apply):

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* 14. If you answered in the previous question that regardless of the COVID-19 precautions you will not be attending in-person worship, what would you require to attend again (check all that apply):

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* 15. Is there anything else that you have heard that other churches are doing that you think St. Luke's should be doing?

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* 16. How has adjusting to this pandemic affected your understanding of the Church?

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* 17. What is your age

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* 18. Do you have children under 18 who live with you and typically attend Church with you?

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* 19. On Sunday mornings, how many persons are usually watching our online offerings from your device?

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* 20. What is one thing that St. Luke's can do to help you right now?

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* 21. Is there anything else you would like the clergy and vestry to know the was not addressed in this survey?

0 of 21 answered