Thank you for dining at the LRC.

We would be delighted to hear your feedback and appreciate any comments you can share in order for us to improve our service. Kindly take two minutes to complete this quick survey and let us know your thoughts.

Question Title

* 1. How can we help you more in the challenging times of COVID-19?

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* 2. What day did you dine for lunch or dinner?

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* 3. Were you recommended new menu items or promotions during the menu presentation?

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* 4. Are you satisfied with the current range of food on offer in the Lotus Bistro?

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* 5. Would you like to see more Asian buffet promotions?

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* 6. Please rate the overall presentation and quality of your chosen dishes?

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* 7. What would your two most favorite Asian cuisines be?

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* 8. Please rate the comfort and ambience of our Lotus Bistro?

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* 9. Did you find your dining experience value for money?

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* 10. Upon departure, were you extended a fond farewell by our team? 

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* 11. Would you agree with a reservation seating service to enhance service standards?

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* 12. What would you like to see in the Lotus Bistro in the future?