As part of our 25th Celebration of Orpheus Music, we commissioned the incredible australian artist Mandy Foot to create four new recorder playing lizards to be our new recorder quartet ambassadors!

We would like your help to suggest some names to call our new musical friends. Please suggest a name (and perhaps even a backstory or a poem...) below and if we pick your name we'll send you a $50 gift voucher to use at Orpheus music. There are four new lizards to name, so four prizes to be won! You may enter every month if you wish.

This month is our May Lizard. This poll will close on the May the 31. Winners will be announced on facebook and contacted individually to have their voucher sent to them. 

This competition is open to any age, any country. However please remember to give us your name and email address so that we can contact you if you are one of the prize winners.

To view our website:
To view Mandy's website:

If you have any questions please email us at
Keep up to date with us through our facebook page at

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* 1. What name would you suggest we call this Bass recorder playing lizard?

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* 2. What small story or poem would you like to add to this Bass playing lizard? 

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* 3. Contact details so that we can contact you if you win one of our four prizes.

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* 4. How did you find out about our Orpheus Lizard Celebration?