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Dear OPC Congregation,

The Facilities Planning Team wants to hear from you! 

With major renovation of the Seminary church complete, facility planning attention is returning to the Memorial building. Construction of an accessibility ramp has been turned over to the Trustees and will begin shortly. 

We seek your input in helping to select future upgrades.  In addition to the accessibility ramp, a variety of possible Memorial upgrades have been suggested previously including such things as: 

accessible bathrooms
elevator / lift
covered walkway (enclosed portico) 
expanded fellowship space
remodeled / enlarged kitchen
more welcoming narthex.
meeting space.

The listed items are by no means exhaustive. We anticipate and encourage responses that are not on this list if they are important to you.

Your responses to the questions below will help determine our next steps.  What is most important, in your view?

The survey is being published in many ways, including on our website, on paper, via The Voice, direct email, and on Facebook. Please respond only once using just one method. The question is identical in every method. We would appreciate your response by April 28th.

Thank you! The Facilities Planning Team looks forward to using your ideas and input to shape our next steps for the Memorial. 

Facilities Planning Team Co-Chairs Jenny Bailer and Joe Simpson

Question Title

* 1. Question: Keeping in mind that the key words assigned to any OPC building renovation are Accessibility, Flexibility, and Fellowship, and considering all users of the Memorial building, including guests; please help us identify your top priorities for modifications. Please list your ideas / views in order of importance.

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