Question Title

* 1. Are you a current subscriber to the CINDAS LLC Aerospace Structural Metals Database (ASMD), Aerospace and High Performance Alloys Database (AHAD), or the High Performance Alloys Database (HPAD)?

Question Title

* 2. Do you use the PDF chapters for the various alloys?

Question Title

* 3. If Yes to Question 2. above, how important are the PDF chapters in meeting your needs?

Question Title

* 4. If Yes to Question 2. above, which do you use more?

Question Title

* 5. Would you find it convenient to have the MMPDS available through the CINDAS LLC interface?

Question Title

* 6. We are considering adding a database on composite materials to our products. How much interest do you have in such a product?

Question Title

* 7. If you have an interest in a composites database, what materials properties of composites would you like to see included?  Please list.

Question Title

* 8. What additional alloys or alloy systems would you like to see included in future additions to the ASMD, AHAD, and/or HPAD?  Please list.

Question Title

* 9. How likely is it that you would recommend the CINDAS LLC databases to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 10. Overall, are you satisfied with your experience using the CINDAS LLC databases, dissatisfied with it, or neither satisfied or dissatisfied with it?