Bloomington Kink Sloshes |
Slosh feedback
Howdy folks!
While we are acclimating into a new space, now seems like the perfect opportunity to get feedback from y'all about the sloshes. Sloshes have been run as primarily unstructured & freeform hangouts since before I was given leadership in 2016, so that is how I've continued to run the sloshes.
I've added in bringing snacks on occasion, doing themed nights, having card games out for ice breakers, and incorporating some sporadic casual kink play into sloshes, but have left them very casual & laid back for folks to break off into smaller circles & float around between clusters of people.
But... I'm checking in to see, do y'all still like that? Would you like to see more activity or formatting to our sloshes, or do you enjoy them how they've been?
Give me your feedback below!