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The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Development Assistance Committee (DAC) is the group of the world’s biggest foreign aid providers. The OECD-DAC monitors Official Development Assistance (ODA), sets standards and rules on development cooperation, and conducts peer reviews of the donors. The DAC also produces and adopts recommendations, which are non-binding, legal instruments by which donors are expected to adhere. 

Among its recommendations is the DAC Nexus Recommendation, which guides donors in addressing conflict and fragility through funding and implementing triple nexus or Humanitarian-Development- Peace (HDP) programs and through ensuring collaboration, coherence, and complementarity across involved actors. The DAC Nexus Recommendation is being monitored by the International Network on Conflict and Fragility (INCAF), a subsidiary body of the DAC.

The Peace & Security Thematic Working Group of the DAC-CSO Reference Group (RG) engages the INCAF. Four years since the legal instrument was adopted by DAC members, INCAF is set to evaluate its progress. Civil society hopes to contribute to this process by publishing a spotlight report that looks into the uptake and implementation of the DAC Nexus Recommendation while also zooming in on the Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus areas that are insufficiently taken up and those that need accelerated action from relevant HDP actors. The report will also include case studies that demonstrate good practices, inspirational learnings and stories of change and success. 

This survey is the first step towards the drafting of the spotlight report. Please be informed that this survey will take you approximately 15 minutes to answer. We appreciate your inputs and hope to receive your comprehensive feedback. We also aim to gather as many responses as possible. Please feel free to disseminate this survey within your network and share it with CSOs working on the Triple Nexus. This survey will close on Monday, July 3rd, 2023. For inquiries, you may email 

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* 1. Respondent Information

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* 2. Scope

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* 3. Main Sector

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* 4. Geographical Outreach of Action

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* 5. For your organization involvement, how important is it to align your programming with HDP or Triple Nexus Approach? 

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* 6. Have you received funding for a Triple Nexus program? 

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* 7. How do you carry out the HDP or Triple Nexus work?

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* 8. How would you characterize your current relationship with local actors?

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* 9. Which other topics or areas does your organization integrate, link or cover when discussing the Triple Nexus?

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* 10. Which monitoring tools do you use to measure your Triple Nexus Work?

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* 11. In 2022, the DAC published an interim progress review of the Nexus Recommendation. Please assess donors’ progress of the following findings one year later when it comes to COORDINATION (1= poor, 5 = excellent)

  Poor Fair Average Good  Excellent
The DAC Recommendation is becoming a widely accepted common standard beyond its original signatories or adherents.
Donors prioritize the dissemination of the DAC Recommendation in terms of translating the principles into practical and concrete actions that inform organizational processes, partnerships and programming. Messages are jargon-free and practice-oriented.
Donors ensure adequate political engagement.
Donors link the nexus with other relevant policy agendas.

Question Title

* 12. In 2022, the DAC published an interim progress review of the Nexus Recommendation. Please assess donors’ progress of the following findings one year later when it comes to FINANCING (1= poor, 5 = excellent)

  Poor Fair Average Good  Excellent
Donors ensure an empowered leadership for cost-effective coordination.
Donors harness collective financing strategies for coherent action.
Donors ensure that financing is more nexus ready - that is, they are flexible and predictable, allow for a timely crisis response, and facilitate greater involvement from a broader set of actors.

Question Title

* 13. In 2022, the DAC published an interim progress review of the Nexus Recommendation. Please assess donors’ progress of the following findings one year later when it comes to PROGRAMMING (1= poor, 5 = excellent)

  Poor Fair Average Good  Excellent
Donors integrate the nexus approach in their strategic and policy frameworks and ensure that their institutional systems and processes are adapted to implement this approach.
Donors are able to define success in implementing the nexus approach in terms of change in ways of working and achievement of sustainable outcomes. 
Donors make joint context analysis and joined-up planning work.
Donors prioritize prevention and peacebuilding, investing in development whenever possible.
Donors enhance application of conflict sensitivity and do no harm.
Donors invest in learning and evidence.

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* 14. Civil society submitted its own report to the DAC. Rate how relevant the following challenges and recommendations are today. 1 = least important, 5 = critical

  Least Important  Important Moderate Very important Critical
HDP nexus requires actors to be fluent in the approach, perspective and principles of all three principles.
Lack of capacity-building and learning that addresses lack of trilingualism.
Donor compartmentalization and complex coordination lead to contradicting targets, timelines, and funding for CSOs.
With rigid donor requirements, nexus work is largely delegated to international or local CSOs that have experience in meeting requirements.
Localization can ensure that nexus programs are “contextualized down to a community level” and can “synchronize global efforts towards collective outcomes.”
The broader aid architecture promotes short-term and sector-specific funding.
Donors lack of flexible, multi-year-funding does not allow CSOs the opportunity to experiment and pilot new nexus approaches and communities to formulate and implement their own approaches.
Southern and local CSOs are left behind in funding prospects.
Please elaborate your rating by briefly sharing examples. You may also provide links to longer write-ups.
Increase funding for crisis regions and affected populations based on nexus goals of collaboration, coherence, and complementarity.
Adopt flexible donor policies and requirements to facilitate effective coordination and implementation of nexus work.
Promote localization in the implementation of Triple Nexus by increasing funding and support for local CSOs.
Strengthen democratic systems and local governance in fragile contexts.

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* 15. What is your personal assessment of the status of implementation of the DAC Nexus Recommendation?

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* 16. How do you perceive donors’ behavior as the driving force of the nexus implementation?

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* 17. Do  you think that you are in the driving seat with respect to identifying the needs, planning, and implementing interventions to aid the development of your country?

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* 18. What are your needs in order to feel more empowered to plan and implement interventions utilizing the nexus approach?

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* 19. Will you be willing to organize a regional, sub-regional or national consultation to cascade the findings of this survey and solicit further inputs for the report?

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* 20. Will you be willing to share/repurpose an existing case study or write a new one that demonstrates good practices, inspirational learnings and stories of change and success, to be included in the CSO Spotlight Report?

0 of 20 answered