Career Jam 2021 will take place November 16-19. It will be a combination of presentations by speakers and colleague discussions similar to the 2020 event. If you are interested in attending, please note that at the end of the survey and we'll send you the information when registration opens.

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* 1. What topics would be most interesting to discuss at the 2021 Career Jam? 
For each topic, the discussion will be how this trend impacts careers, hiring, coaching, job search, etc.


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* 2. The format for this event will include sessions around each topic with a brief presentation and then colleague discussions around the trend and its impact on our work.

We'd welcome your recommendations for speakers on the topics above. These speakers will be sharing about each trend -- research, data, predictions.

If you share a name, please include your name and email so we can follow up!!

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* 3. If you have any other feedback, please share it here or email

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* 4. Would you be interested in joining a local group in your area to have a debrief and networking lunch on Friday?

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* 5. If "yes," please share your location (City, State, Country).