'Dialogue on Disability' Audience Feedback Survey 2025 Program Feedback Question Title * 1. I am providing feedback on the following 'Dialogue on Disability' program: Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan Deconstructing Ableism: A Community Conversation Reel South: South by South Korea POV: Eat Your Catfish Table for All with Buki Elegbede Lidia Celebrate America In A Different Key Inside Our Autistic Minds Employment Matters POV: Fire Through Dry Grass Wider World Your Fantastic Mind The Tuba Thieves 4 Wheel Bob Understanding Autism A Good Life Travels with Darley POV: Name Me Lawand Path Forward: Remembering Willowbrook Craft in America My Ascension 2024 Media Access Awards Searching: Our Quest for Meaning POV: Unseen POV: Not Going Quietly POV: I Didn't See You There Call the Midwife Independent Lens: My Parkinson's Eye of the Storm POV: Is There Anybody Out There Art + Medicine Express Way with Dule Hill Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Overall, how would you rate this program? Question Title * 3. In terms of content, how would you rate this program? Above average Average Below average Question Title * 4. In terms of accessibility, how would you rate this program? Above average Average Below average Question Title * 5. Did you experience any accessibility challenges in viewing this program? Yes No If 'yes', please describe: Question Title * 6. How did this program impact you personally? Please check any that apply. I learned something about disabilities that I hadn’t known before I learned something about people who have disabilities that I hadn’t known before I was emotionally moved by what I saw or heard I was inspired to do something positive that I might not otherwise have done before this program Some other impact not described above (if so, please describe briefly) Question Title * 7. What stood out to you positively about this program? Question Title * 8. Where/how can we do better for future programs? Question Title * 9. How likely are you to view more 'Dialogue on Disability' or Move to Include programming in the future? Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Next