The Research Acceleration and Innovation Network (TRAIN) was established by FasterCures in 2005 to recognize organizations that are pioneering principles of venture philanthropy to catalyze development of new therapies and cures, and to encourage more foundations to adopt such approaches to de-risk translation and commercialization of research in their respective disease areas. Organizations participating in TRAIN have found it a valuable platform for learning from the experiences and practices of other nonprofit research funders and for building relationships with stakeholders in industry, academia, government, and finance. 

While the organizations that participate in TRAIN are individually unique, all TRAIN organizations demonstrate an on-going commitment to accountability, collaboration, research effectiveness, resource building, and patient centeredness. The criteria for participation are based on a FasterCures' publication Measuring and Improving Impact: A Toolkit for Nonprofit Funders of Medical Research, which was intended to provide nonprofit disease research organizations with a self-evaluation framework by which to assess and improve organizational effectiveness.

Through the questions below, please describe and give examples of the ways in which your organization demonstrates an ongoing commitment to the characteristics that make TRAIN a unique network. The examples provided after questions are meant to underscore the variety of activities that meet the requirements of each category. Innovative and new methods of demonstrating commitment to the TRAIN characteristics are welcomed.

We estimate the form will take 20-45 minutes to complete. To preview the form, please download the PDF version. Once you begin to enter information into the online form, you will not be able to save your work and return to it later. You may want to draft your responses in another format first, and then copy and paste them into the form. 

There is no cost to participating in or applying to TRAIN. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Thank you for your interest in TRAIN!
10% of survey complete.