The theme for the next ASCPT Annual Meeting is “Vision 2020.” Keeping this theme in mind, the PMK-RS Joint Steering Committee requests our Community members take this brief survey. It is an effort to bring Community-led topics that will be high-impact and of keen interest to ASCPT members.    

Question Title

* 1. What specific topics or proposals would you like to see at the next ASCPT Annual Meeting (can be any format such as Symposium, Workshop, Round Table, Science at Sunrise, unique format, etc.)?

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* 2. Would you be interested in being a Chair/Co-Chair on a proposal?

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* 3. If you expressed interest in being a Chair/Co-Chair. Would you like assistance connecting with relevant Community leaders/members to identify additional proposal components (i.e., speakers, proposal details, etc.)?

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* 4. Which Community(ies) would be most applicable to your proposal? If unsure, please select N/A.

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* 5. Please provide your full name and email so that ASCPT leadership may follow up with you if applicable (optional):

Thank you for participating in this survey! Please visit for more PMK & RS Community information.