Thank you for participating in Austin Community College’s Internship Program. Your contribution is invaluable to the success of our students. This evaluation will provide valuable information as we assess the results of the student's internship. Your comments will help us continue to shape ACC's Internship Program, and ensure that we are sending prepared students to your site in the future.

Instructions to Employer: Please assess the work performance of the student based on the characteristics and attributes listed by checking the appropriate box under each category. This form should be completed by the individual who has supervised the student’s work assignments.

Question Title

* 1. Employer Name

Question Title

* 2. Intern (student) Name

Question Title

* 3. Site Supervisor's Name

Question Title

* 4. Site Supervisor's Email

Question Title

* 5. Semester of Internship

Question Title

* 6. Year of Internship

Question Title

* 7. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

Question Title

* 8. Quality of Work

Question Title

* 9. Dependability

Question Title

* 10. Oral/Written Communication

Question Title

* 11. Teamwork and Collaboration

Question Title

* 12. Ability to Utilize Digital Technologies to Solve Problems, Complete Tasks and Accomplish Goals

Question Title

* 13. Please check the performance category which best describes the student’s overall performance.

Question Title

* 14. Please indicate any particular strengths and/or weaknesses you feel this student possesses:

Question Title

* 15. At the end of the internship was the student offered one of the following? 

Question Title

* 16. Do you have any other comments regarding this intern's performance or suggestions for improving our internship program?

Thank you for participating Austin Community College's Internship Program