We are really excited to hear about what you want in the Arts Centre! Past consultation tells us that there have been consistent ideas through time, however, we want to undertake further review to solidify the final "brief": the purposes and essential functions that the building will fulfill.

Your feedback is welcome and sought here; thank you so much for your time and for helping with the creation of this building! We will be following up with in-person meetings and on-going consultation.

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* 1. Do you have a HIAC membership?

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* 2. Do you live on Hornby Island?:

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* 3. Do you see yourself exhibiting, performing, or presenting in HIAC's new space (including group exhibitions and presentations)?

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* 4. In what capacity have you participated in HIAC activities?

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* 5. How would you describe yourself?

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* 6. The Arts Centre will need a large exhibition space, an office, basic storage, and washrooms, all built to code. Knowing that we will likely be unable to meet all the additional desires we have for the space and remain on budget for this initial build, please rate the additional priorities below:

  Lowest Priority / Not a Priority Low Neutral Desirable Highest Priority / Essential
Sculpture walk.
Focus on exhibition space (size & versatility).
A workshop and meeting space.
Create spaces for Artist Residencies.
Digital arts capacity (film, sound, projection, etc.).
Capacity for food and drink or a café.
More storage space.
Landscaping, gardens, and outdoor performance and exhibition.
Performing arts capacity (stage, sound, theatre, etc.).
A sprung floor (for dance & aesthetics).
Storage for a permanent and archival collection.
A dedicated space in which to make art (sinks, tables, racks, tools, etc.).
A system for dividing up the exhibition space for simultaneous shows.
Retail capacity for earned revenue to maintain the building and basic HIAC operations.

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* 7. What kinds of uses, design elements, and spaces are missing from the above list? How important are they to you?

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* 8. If you have visited Art Spaces, Galleries, and Museums, tell us what you have liked about the design and layout of these buildings, their spaces and functionality. What are the ideas and thinking behind the organization of rooms and features that you notice and enjoy in public spaces you visit?

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* 9. Which principles and values should guide this arts space?

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* 10. Regarding interior design: what kinds of lighting systems have you noticed and prefer? What kinds of seating arrangements? What kinds of hanging systems for art? What sound systems? Clever interior ideas, unique efficiencies, etc?

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* 11. What concerns might you have for the building design specifically?

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* 12. Regarding programming specifically: what do you want to see happening in the new space? 

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* 13. Anything we've missed? Last thoughts? We will also be following up with in-person meetings as the project progresses.

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* 14. If you care to leave your name, please do so here. Thank you!