Welcome to the Physicists To-Go program! This year you will be matched with a physicist according to your topic priority. You can select up to 3 different topics and we hope to match you with your prioritized topic first. To better ensure receiving a match, make sure you fill out all fields on the form. If you teach multiple sections of the same course and want the same presentation delivered, you only need to fill out form once and indicate the number of classes. If you teach multiple courses and need different presentations, then please fill the form out multiple times.

Question Title

* 2. Name/ Address:

Please select your preferred topic and time.
Note, the format of the virtual visit will be determined by you and the physicist once you are paired, and may include a short presentation, Q & A with the class, a demo, or interactive activity led by the physicist. We understand that you may teach different courses. If you teach the same course multiple times and are requesting the same topic, there is space to indicate this below. If you teach multiple courses, then please fill the survey out for each individual course type.

Question Title

* 8. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your students belong to the following race/ethnicity group?

  None 1-10% 11-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-90% >91% Unsure
Hispanic, Latnix, Spanish origin
Black or African American
Asian (South Asian, South East Asian, East Asian, Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian)
Native American
Other underrepresented group

Question Title

* 9. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of your students are eligible for free and reduced lunch?

Question Title

* 10. Additional Comments: