Thank you for sharing your responses. Your input will give direction to Landscape Ontario's COVID-19 task force so that we can develop resources and solutions to help businesses. All information shared will be kept anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. Which category best describes your business?

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* 2. How many employees work at your company?

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* 3. What is your greatest concern with respect to COVID-19? ( Check all that apply)

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* 4. What type of information and/or support do you need the most right now?

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* 5. Based on your cash flow projection for the next 6 months, what best describes your situation?

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* 6. How are your business operations being impacted by COVID-19 (check all that apply)

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* 7. Do you have business insurance that covers loss due to a pandemic?

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* 8. What measures are you taking to address your business challenges in the short term? Please check all that apply.

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* 9. Have you lost revenue based on sales to date, or compared to sales at this time last year? If so, what percentage?

10% 50% 100%
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 10. Have you implemented new health and safety methods for you and your staff to help protect them from COVID-19?

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* 11. At this point in time, what level of impact do you expect that COVID-19 will have on your business? (Choose one).

Low (this may impact us financially but we are confident we can weather the storm) Medium (this is going to significantly impact our financials) High (this may put us out of business)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 12. Have you been utilizing webinars to help inform you and your staff during these trying times?

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* 13. Are you aware of the Webinars available at upcoming-webinars-covid-19 ?

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* 14. Have you utilized Landscape Ontario’s resources page about COVID-19 19-resources

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* 15. Are you utilizing current government funding programs for yourself or staff at this time?

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* 16. Considering  that the Government announced a 75% Wage Subsidy program, will you:

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* 17. How concerned are you that you may have to close your business permanently due to COVID-19 impacts?

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* 18. Do you consider your business to be an Essential Workplace as defined by the provincial government?

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* 19. As concerns grow over the spread of COVID-19, what is your business doing to address employee and customer concerns and mitigating risk? (Check all that apply)

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* 20. Would you like Landscape Ontario to call you about your concerns? 
If yes, please provide the best phone number to reach you, either work, home or cell and the concern or question.