Informed Consent Summary

Title of Study: A Comparative Analysis of RN-to-BSN Professors and Students Perceptions on Professor Teaching Philosophy and Characteristics Related to Student Success.  

Purpose: The purpose of the research is to explore RN-to-BSN nursing students’ and professors’ perceptions regarding student success in the online environment related to the professor’s teaching philosophy and characteristics. The focus is to add to the body of knowledge in online nursing education through gaining an understanding related to which online professor’s teaching philosophy and characteristics are beneficial to for student success and whether or not there is an alignment between student and professor perceptions. The data is meant to bring insight towards student successful accomplishment of courses and programs.

Risks and Benefits: Physical risks of participating in this type of study are minimum, however, students who reflect on experiences with certain professors in order to answer the survey items could affect them emotionally or mentally and could cause distress. To decrease the impact of these risks, you can skip any item in the survey, and/or, stop participation at any time. There are no direct benefits of participation, including monetary benefit, however, your participation in the study allows you to participate in adding to the body of knowledge in online nursing education.  

Confidentiality: All information obtained in this study is strictly confidential unless disclosure is required by law. The results of this research study may be used in reports, presentations, and publications, but the researchers will not identify you. In order to maintain confidentiality of your records, Teresa Olin will by limiting the amount of personal data on the survey to only which group of participants they belong to: student or professor. Surveys that are returned will not be attached to any participant name and will be completely anonymous. 

Withdrawal Privileges: It is okay for you to decline to participate in this research study. You are free to stop participating at any time and there will be no penalty to you. If you decide to stop participation, you may do so by: not answering the survey, not finishing the survey, not answering any question in the survey.

Contact Information:  Teresa Olin,, 701-391-7027. Faculty Chair and Mentor: Michelle Whitman, 402-214-7040. If you have questions about your rights as a subject/participant in this research, or if you feel you have been placed at risk, you can contact the Institutional Review Board at

The above explains the nature, demands, benefits and any risk of the research study. The survey has 5 categories of Instruction, Grading, Flexibility, Communication, Empathy with 4-8 items in each category to mark via a Likert scale. It has one open ended question at the end, which is optional.

By clicking on 'Next' button below you confirm that you are 18 years or older, are either an online RN-to-BSN student or a professor teaching in an online RN-to-BSN program, understand the content of this form, and agree to voluntarily participate in this study. It has been reported to take no more than 10-15 minutes.