Welcome to the FIDE-ECU Chess in Schools Survey

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is important. Your insight will help us to gather reliable information on the current state of chess in schools as a basis for future development strategies.
If a question should be answered only by someone representing a federation, the word "Federation" will appear at the start of that question. If a question should be answered only by someone representing a Chess in Schools Organization, "CiSO's" will appear at the start of that question.

Please Note: Results from this survey will be presented anonymously.

ESTIMATE GUIDE: Creating Estimates


The national federation may keep a record of the number of children playing chess in schools in your country. Maybe some inquiries need to be made to the Ministry of Education or to different regions of the country, so you can find out the answer to a reasonable degree of accuracy. If this applies to you, then please send us the total number of primary and secondary schools and the number of children who receive chess instruction in those schools. 


We suggest using the “Top Down” approach which gives some structure to the estimation.

a) Find out from official sources the number of schools are in your country 
– primary (ages 6 to 11) and 
– secondary (from age 11 to 18). 
b) estimate the percentage of these schools offering chess 
c) estimate the average number of children playing chess in each of these schools 
d) the proportion of these children who receive chess lessons 

Calculate the number of children who receive chess instruction in schools = a x b x c x d

An alternative:

If you cannot find the corresponding data from the Federation or the Ministry of Education for the estimation of the number of children receiving chess instruction in a school setting, please multiply the approximate number of children receiving chess lessons in schools by the approximate number of secondary and primary schools where chess is offered. You might choose to call experts in different regions of your country to help you develop your estimate.

Thank you again for your time and effort in completing this survey.
If you are a representative of a federation, please answer the following questions: 1-4, 11, 13, 15-20.

If you are a representative of a Chess in Schools Organization (CiSO’s), please answer the following questions: 1-2, 5-10, 12, 14-20.

Please visit the Survey Website to see these instructions and the survey questions in Spanish and Russian.