Our teams at Science Talk are busy at work planning next year’s two-day conference on science communication to be held on March 1-2, 2018, at the Oregon Convention Center. As someone who participated in our 2017 conference and / or as someone who wants to communicate science, and we want your input. Your answers to the following questions will help us make the conference useful and relevant.

If you have any questions about conference programming, please contact Program Committee Co-Chairs Lewis Taylor at lewist@uoregon.edu or Amanda Thomas at amanda@viaproductions.org.

Thank you for your time and help!

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* 1. When considering topics for talks and workshops, which of the following subjects would be useful to you?

  Very interested Mildly interested Not interested N/A
Science in social media
How to write compelling proposals
Improvisation training
Training with hands-on experiments or demonstrations
Talking with the public about uncertainty in science and / or the scientific method
Communicating science to the media, such as press releases or interviews
Evaluation tools
Talking about science to policy makers
How to design good PowerPoint or Keynote slides
Nonverbal communication
Formal science communication in high school or college
Three-minute thesis contest
Creating communication tools such as videos or infographics
Communicating technical information to the public
Formal science communication in elementary and middle school
Citizen science projects

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* 2. In addition to the subjects listed above, are there any other topics we should consider?

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* 3. Do you have any specific suggestions for speakers you would like to see at the conference?
(Please note: Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, and Carl Sagan are not possible due to either being too expensive or dead.)

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* 4. Based on feedback from this year's conference, there will be multiple rooms for breakout session and there will be much more time for networking, both during the conference and in the evening. 

Do you have any other suggestions for logistical or schedule changes?