Litro Futures Development Programme

A survey to truly understand the needs of tomorrow's writers.

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* 1. What gender are you?

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* 2. What is Your age?

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* 3. Please choose one option that best describes your ethnicity or background.

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* 4. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 5. Have you participated in any of the following types of writing courses? Please tick all that apply.

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* 6. Are you, or have you been, a member of a writing group?

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* 7. At a guess, how many books (print and ebook) do you own in total? Please give your answer as just one number written in digits (e.g. 100)

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* 8. At a guess, how many books do you read each year? Please give your answer as just one number (e.g. 10)

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* 9. To which of the following organisations do you belong, subscribe or are a client? Please tick all that apply.

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* 10. Do you have an e-book reader (e.g. a Kindle)? If so how you frequently do you use it?

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* 11. Have you ever self-published a book? If so how many titles have you published in this way?

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* 12. Have you been published by a traditional publishing house? If so how many of your titles have been published this way?

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* 13. How good is your health?

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* 14. How religious are you?

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* 15. Please indicate how often, as a child, you did the following activities:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Frequently
Read for pleasure
Had stories read to you
Discussed books with family members
Discussed books with friends
Visited a public library
Browsed in bookshop(s)
Spent your own money on books
Wanted to own interesting stationery
Wrote to writers you admired
Made up stories
Participated in imaginative play
Cast yourself as the hero/heroine of stories you made up
Dreamed/day-dreamed about being an author
Were described as a day-dreamer
Attempted crosswords
Kept a diary
Wrote letters/emails to family and friends
Wrote stories/articles/blogs/poetry etc. outside your normal school work
Finished written work in a completed format (e.g. a hand-made book or written out neatly)
Shared completed written work with others
Wrote Short Stories

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* 16. Thinking about any writing you did or wanted to do as a child to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Disagree strongly Disagree moderately Neither agree nor disagree Agree a little Agree moderately Agree strongly
I discussed writing with my family
I had strong support from my family for my writing
I discussed writing with my friends
I had strong support from my friends for my writing
I had strong support from teacher(s) for my writing
My internal life as a writer was more important than friendships
I was interested in the lives of writers
Ownership of my own books was important to me

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* 17. What most would you want from a writing masterclass?

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* 18. Are you working on a manuscript?